Payment based on honesty

Self-service kiosks

Posted on May 21, 2024
Are you familiar with the concept of roadside kiosks? These are kiosks that can be found in the countryside, on the side of the road in front of farms. There, you can find all kinds of products, such as fruits, vegetables, processed products and even honey. Kiosks come in many shapes and sizes, from small open table-sized booths to “newsstand” type shelters, to buildings the size of a large garage. They can display products in simple wooden ridges or look more like a regular supermarket, with multiple displays and large refrigerators.
Catherine Dallaire, Agronome

Fully autonomous payment at a self-service kiosk

The most surprising thing is that over there, we often buy our products in “self-service” mode. We select our products, calculate the total of our purchases ourselves, and leave the money, in cash, in a secure box. The customer is totally autonomous. The idea seems crazy. We immediately think: “How can we trust people and make sure that they will pay the real due amount? We’ll obviously get swindled.”

A financially profitable decision

Yet, for some producers, the math is simple: not paying for an employee at the kiosk (which is very expensive) will, without question, always be more profitable than the cost of a customer not paying their fair share. When you do a simple cost calculation for a full-time employee, you realize that it would take some pretty good thieves to steal up to that amount.

Tips for promoting the right thing to do

The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of people are honest and pay exactly the amount of their bill. It was pointed out that cameras can also be installed (if their presence is clearly displayed to customers) to encourage dishonest people to act with virtue. A staff member can also be assigned to stock up the kiosk, making quick rounds every hour to stock up the shelves with products and ensure that the customers behave properly at the same time.

Some factors to consider before taking the plunge

In order to do this, you must be located in a relatively busy area, because even the simple cost of setting up your kiosk will not be recouped by the visit of a few neighbours. Also consider that the risk is lower for less valuable products, such as vegetables. When you think of honey, cheese or fine foods, the risks associated with theft increase.

An interesting response to the labour shortage

The principle of self-service is particularly interesting in an era when finding a reliable employee is the equivalent of finding a priceless treasure from ancient times. It’s a direct solution to the labour shortage problem. Self-service kiosks have been on the rise in recent years. We’re witnessing this trend growing more and more popular. Will you ride the wave?

Catherine Dallaire, Agronome