6 agricultural podcasts worth listening to

Keeping up with agriculture

Posted on May 21, 2024
Want to learn more about new farming techniques? Listening to podcasts can be an easy way to keep up with the latest trends and developments. Podcasts usually offer a wealth of useful information. It’s an easily accessible and mostly free way to learn and educate yourself. All you have to do is download a listening app on your phone, then head out to work in the field with your headphones on. It’s a great way to learn while you’re cleaning the stalls or tilling the soil, while keeping your hands free to get on with the job. It’s an endless source of information.
Catherine Dallaire, Agronome

1. La vie maraîchère

The great thing about the “La vie maraîchère” agricultural podcast is that it’s hosted by the co-owner of an innovative farm in the Quebec market-gardening sector. It’s a podcast that keeps abreast of current developments in the agricultural world, covering a wide range of topics such as new farming techniques.

2. Farmer to Farmer

The “Farmer to Farmer” podcast is an encyclopedia of agricultural knowledge. Although it focuses on American agriculture, we can learn a great deal from it, especially thanks to the disconcerting honesty of the farmers interviewed. Farmers from all sectors reveal valuable information about their businesses and experiences. Some even recount their worst mistakes or elaborate on their personal finances. Sadly, the podcast’s host, Chris Blanchard, passed away a few years ago, so there will be no new episodes added to the series, but the show library already boasts 176 episodes.

3. La terre et la table

The “La terre et la table” agricultural podcast features discussions with agricultural producers from all across Canada. The focus is on business management and the day-to-day realities of farming in this country.

4. Les Agricoles

The “Les Agricoles” podcast celebrates women in Quebec agriculture. The program focuses casually on the realities of women in the industry. The podcast features inspiring discussions that introduce us to pioneering women and their projects.

5. Les idées radicules

In the “Les idées radicules” podcast, the focus is on rethinking tomorrow’s agriculture. Chatting with people involved in agriculture, we ponder the future of the Quebec food industry, and imagine the possibilities that lie ahead. It’s interesting and lively.

6. Abécédaire gourmand

The “Abécédaire gourmand” agricultural podcast talks about gourmet treats, but also touches on the origins of our Quebec food and culinary heritage. Although the focus is on food, there are some detours to celebrate our local producers. It should be noted, however, that this podcast is more fun than educational.

**Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned veteran, these resources will provide hours of entertainment and agricultural education. **

Catherine Dallaire, Agronome