Rules for publishing classified ads
Welcome to This site aims to connect sellers and buyers in the agricultural sector. For this, AgriExtra offers the possibility to occasional sellers (farmers and individuals who occasionally have an agricultural product to sell) to put a maximum of 3 ads online free of charge per unique user for a period of 3 months.
In order to ensure the proper functioning of the site, please respect the following publication rules.
AgriExtra authorizes you to publish a maximum of 3 free advertisements, if and only if:
- You are over 18 years old
- You are not listed in the Commercial Register as a professional in the sale of agricultural services, real estate, machinery, agricultural equipment and accessories... If you fall within this framework, please contact the AgriExtra Advertiser service at 819 350-9000.
- You do not have similar ads already online with another email address. AgriExtra authorizes 3 ads per unique user, i.e. per email address and per postal address. If you want to post a new ad, but you already have 3 online, you will need to delete one to replace it.
- The product you want to put online has a relationship with the agricultural community. AgriExtra is an agricultural advertising company, in order to offer a quality service, please respect the agricultural specialization of this site and only publish ads related to agriculture. If not, please contact other general sites
- The ad must not be intended to direct Internet users to another website. It is therefore strictly forbidden to promote and advertise an activity, event or brand and to include a link to another website in the advertisement. If you fall within this framework, you must contact the AgriExtra Advertiser service, in order to advertise as a sales professional, dealer or service provider.
- The product you want to put online must be legal in the territory. It is strictly forbidden to violate the laws in force and to publish prohibited contents (type: alcohol, drugs, weapons, ticket of event, counterfeits, material protected by copyrights, stolen objects, photos of people, photos with sexual character, defamatory and discriminatory remarks, and any other dangerous product prohibited by law…)
AgriExtra reserves the right to delete your ad without warning, to delete your account or to deny you access to the site in the event that you interfere with the proper functioning of the site, and do not respect the publication rules above.
AgriExtra reserves the right to randomly delete an advertisement if you have more than 3 advertisements assigned to the same email address or the same postal address.
Your ad will be automatically deleted 3 months after it is posted.
If you have not sold your property, and you have not reached the maximum of 3 advertisements, you can put it back online for an additional 3 months.
Finally, in order to ensure a better experience on the site, thank you:
- to offer agricultural products that are compliant and in a condition to be sold
- to enter accurate and true information corresponding to the images of the ad and the products offered
- to respect the prices indicated in the ad when a buyer contacts you
- not to harm other advertisers on the site by collecting, commenting on and using their information
AgriExtra undertakes not to resell, disclose or reuse the personal information recorded in the classified ads to third parties.
AgriExtra's mission is to control the nature of the publications posted on the site but is not responsible for your actions, or the products sold through the site.
The advertiser remains solely responsible for his ad, the information it contains and the quality and condition of the product or service sold.